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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Teach The Children

Christ said "Suffer the little children to come unto me."
In that regard, the two pictures above are identical. The children are coming to Christ through the Blue Ridge Quartet! 

I am so grateful that my grandparents followed that admonition and introduced me to the Blue Ridge. Their TV show was named "Music For All America", and certainly children are the future of America. 

On the back of their "Peace Like A River" album is a unique testimony, author unknown...

"Hey Dad - that big bus we just passed had a sign on it! It said Blue Ridge Quartet!"

"Yes son, that's the traveling home of one of the greatest Gospel Quartets in all America. Since it is traveling south, they are on their way home. Of course, I don't know how many concerts they will perform before they get there, but I'm sure they are on their way home. My son, my son, how thoughtless of me - I just realized, we have never taken you to see them in person. I must remember to do that! Even a little tyke like you will enjoy their concert. Your mother and I have enjoyed them through the years and it's time for you to get to know them too. They travel about 100,000 miles a year and surely they will come near by very soon."

"I want you to grow up liking the good things of life. You've already found out how good it is to go to Sunday School and Church, and now we want you to go to a concert of gospel singing. It will help to inspire you to grow up to be a good man."

Another testament is given on the back of the "Thanks For Loving Me" LP... 

"Since we met the Blue Ridge Quartet, our lives have changed, including our son Dean. Their songs are such an inspiration, we can't help feeling good when listening to them. As soon as our son Dean hears them, he starts to sing along with them. Whenever we feel sad, we listen to their albums and it makes us feel good and realize that God is always there to help you. Our son, Dean, would rather listen to them than television." 

Of course we all know Robbie Huber's love for the Blue Ridge. His story is not unlike many others - he became a fan the moment they hit the stage. He describes his first concert: 
"Our neighbors, and friends, The McCallister's church was their sponsor here in Zanesville, Ohio. The day of the concert a snow storm hit and there were several inches of snow. I didn't want to go, and I remember telling my Mom, " I don't wanna go hear a bunch of old men sing Church Songs." Shirley McCallister, insisted that we go, so my Grandma, Mom, Myself and others loaded into the back of her station wagon and headed to the High School....when they hit the stage, they hit my heart. Burl, Bill, Fred, LaVerne, and Kenny...from that very moment I knew what I wanted to do. NEVER in a million years did I ever dream I would ride on the bus with them, or for that fact think they would ever even know who I was. Almost a half of a century later, I'm still in awe when, I get an E-Mail, phone call, text or a letter from one of them. They ARE STILL My HERO'S and FRIENDS. I know there are countless others that loved The BLUE RIDGE QUARTET, but I can promise you this, NOBODY has loved them more or longer than I do !!!" 

It may be 30+ years since the Blue Ridge recorded an album, but the music is timeless. I pray that your children and your children's children are being blessed by the Gospel message offered in song.

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