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Monday, December 15, 2014

Sweetest Singing This Side Of Heaven

I first became acquainted with the Blue Ridge Quartet in 1973, after my grandmother had seen them on their TV show "Music For All America".  The lead singer at that time was LaVerne Tripp, and she felt such a strong spirit from his voice and the words he was singing.  He certainly blessed her life, and after my first concert, they blessed my life - and even though they disbanded in 1986, they continue to bless my life and the lives of many others.  Their music and message are timeless!    

The Blue Ridge Quartet was formed in Raleigh, North Carolina in 1946.  At the close of World War II, when the warm secure feeling of peace once again shrouded the world, returning servicemen put into reality their dreams of resuming their life's vocation.  Each rushed hurriedly to his calling - business, labor, teaching, preaching, singing - oh yes - SINGING!  And though the personnel in the group changed over the years, they became one of the premier gospel singing groups, and were billed as "The Sweetest Singing This Side Of Heaven".  As Robbie Huber states on the Blue Ridge Quartet's Facebook group page - "The first time you saw them you were a fan, the second time you were a friend, after that you were family!"  And those aren't just words - the Blue Ridge were, and are, friends and family.

Check out some of the "sweetest singing" in these videos, and join the family!


  1. My uncle was the drummer (Jerry Browning) he is currently in hospice care due to small cell lung cancer that has spread to his liver and now brain. He doesn't have much longer on this earth

  2. My uncle was the drummer (Jerry Browning) he is currently in hospice care due to small cell lung cancer that has spread to his liver and now brain. He doesn't have much longer on this earth
